So once again I have missed a big chunk of time. I won't try to fill you in completely, to tell the truth, I probably can't remember everything that has happened.
Fall lasted until Thanksgiving weekend when we got our first snow. Just enough to be pretty. We had another wonderful visit with friends and family from Delaware.
It is quite a nice tradition we have going now and there is always a full house on Thanksgiving. This year we did cook our own turkey, it was quite good. Terrance was a great tom when he was alive and I appreciate his life.
Of course both he and HR Puffin-stuff both decided to become aggressive right before Thanksgiving, so now we are left with a angry Tom who thinks anything that steps out of a vehicle is the enemy. He is now in lock up.
This past week, winter has truly hit. Everything is frozen which is so much fun when you have to haul water to the barn, knowing that in an hour it will be frozen. We normally have 100 gallons of water stored in the barn in 2 barrels. When things started to get really cold, we dropped the de icer, but we only have 1 that fits the barrels. So tonight Sarah and I used my heat gun to thaw the faucet of barrel #2 so we could then pour it into the barrel #1, oh I just love the winter freeze. Last year we bought 4 electric water buckets for the goats, this year we have more than doubled our barn population, so out to get more buckets we went. As of tonight everyone except Pan, aka Tiny Tim has an electric bucket so their water won't freeze. Luckily Pan is in the back of the barn and not in the direct freeze zone.
Flo went on a little sleep over after Thanksgiving. She went to spend some quality time with Teddy, the buck from Twilight Laughter Farm, where Psyche and Maple came from. Teddy is also the buck that Psyche spent her 'time' with. He is a beautiful creamy coffee color that I hope shows up in his kids.
I am truly lucky to have great goat ladies so close by who are willing to share their wisdom and experience.
Right before Thanksgiving, I also opened my soap shop, at long last. The one problem that I have run into is the heat, no amount of heaters can compensate for the fact my shop is in a cinder block garage. But other than that, I am really happy with the shop as a whole. I have also opened an Etsy shop.
We are now preparing for Christmas, for once we have our tree up early and it beautiful. We found a local place to cut our own tree. Sarah and Maggie picked out a great 7 foot spruce that fits perfect in the living room.
Busy, busy for sure! I'm glad your turkey was so good! :-)