Sunday, October 9, 2011


My favorite time of year.  Normally the days are getting cooler, (today it was in the high 70's) and the nights call for a fire in the stove.  There is a sudden rush of activity to get the farm ready for the winter, which seems to be coming sooner than we think.  This year our apple trees are overloaded with apples.  They aren't the prettiest but they sure do taste good.

There are even good apples on the ground.

from this to....

to this!  Yummy.

Every fall we feed the goats and sheep as much pumpkin as they can eat. This year we were rewarded with 'volunteer' pumpkin vines.  This is just a small fraction of the beautiful pumpkins that the goats  planted for us.  Of course they get to eat these too.

Today was also the last day of the garden, we have had a couple of light frosts, but enough to finish off the tomatoes.  The Turkeys are quite happy to spend the next month cleaning up the garden. 

Lots and lots of tomatoes to eat.

Not quite sure the hot peppers are quite what they want to eat.

The goats are thinking of love right now, and no fence will hold Esau.  (our fence isn't the hottest to begin with.)  Luckily none of the girls are really interested, though I am keeping a close eye out.
Everyone together in the far field. (probably eating pumpkins)  The sheep are in a separate field next to the goats.
I love the vibrant mums.

I bought this bush last year and have no idea what it is, but it is very beautiful.

The last of the swiss chard.

Our mountains are just starting to turn, I love to watch as the colors creep upward.

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