There really isn't a cohesive theme today just a bunch of random thoughts and pictures. We'll start with the ducks. They are growing like crazy and will soon have a new enclosure. Bryan got a couple of fence post in the ground before the post hole digger quit working. We put them out every morning and give them clean pool water, as you can see by the picture, they do not believe in keeping it clean. We now know that the Indian Runners are not white, like the other ducks. It looks like they are wearing a brown bib.
Bryan also got the goat shelter built in the far field. This will be important soon when the boys are banished to the bachelor field. As soon as Kenny comes and cuts the field we will be putting up new fencing so we can rotate.
We are still having fox problems, so we moved the chicken tractors over by the dog's yard and will put the electric net around them tonight.
The weather has settled into the nice range of the 70's, I may just get some work done this week.
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